
CTO & Co-Founder at Julia Capital AG. Cyber Security Futurist at Arxio AG.
Sr Software Security Engineer & Architect.
Mathematician (lost between the gates of pure maths and quantum field theory).
Web3 enthusiast (to be clear: not happy with its current implementation).


Sadegh is my cousin-twice-removed, and I am a descendant of Mirza Reza Gholi Khan, hence belonging to the ancient Persian aristocratic Hedayat family.


Mathematics. Cryptology & Cryptovirology. Cyber Security. FinTech (DeFi). Writing.



This site has been created by using Zola, a Rust based static site engine. Kudos for this beautiful and minimalist theme used here as a basis (and customized for my needs) goes to its creator @mdo. What is more, my logo has been designed by a dear friend, namely @icb.